Arti penting teknik penyusunan dan pelaksanaan evaluasi hasil belajar
Evaluation, Measurement, Assessment, Learning outcomesAbstract
The impact of not having or lack of understanding about the evaluation of learning outcomes, generally teachers view the evaluation of learning outcomes as a follow-up activity, this will often result in teachers not getting accurate information about the learning outcomes that have been carried out by teachers in order to carry out evaluations of learning outcomes properly. teachers should know and understand the meaning, principles, characteristics, objects of learning evaluation, evaluation techniques of learning outcomes and the main steps in carrying out evaluation of learning outcomes. In accordance with the object of study, this type of research is included in the category of library research. Data collection was carried out by recording all findings regarding the evaluation of learning outcomes in general obtained in the literature and sources, then analyzing all findings from various readings, relating to the shortcomings of each source, the advantages or relationships of each about the discourse discussed in it. ; and the last is criticizing, providing critical ideas in the results of research on previous discourses by presenting new findings in collaborating different thoughts, especially in this paper is the thinking of evaluating learning outcomes. Evaluation can be interpreted as a measurement process that will be used as an analysis of the next educational program assessment. The principles of evaluating learning outcomes consist of nine things, namely: valid, objective, fair, integrated, open, comprehensive and continuous, systematic, based on criteria, and accountable. The characteristics of quantitative measurement evaluation, assessment is qualitative. The object of the evaluation includes three domains, namely the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains and in general the evaluation carried out by the teacher is the cognitive domain. Learning outcomes evaluation techniques can be grouped into two, namely test and non-test techniques. There are six main steps for evaluating learning outcomes, namely: preparing a plan for evaluating learning outcomes, collecting data, verifying data, processing and analyzing data, providing interpretation and drawing conclusions, and following up on evaluation results
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