Stability of student’s career choice, jigsaw methodAbstract
The purpose of this study was to increase the stability of students' career choices by applying the jigsaw method. This study used the Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design research method. The researcher used t-test to measure the difference in scores between the experimental group and the control group. Furthermore, the data collection methods used were questionnaires and
interviews. The implementation of the research on students of class XI SMAN 12 Surabaya with the problem of students' uncertainty and doubt in choosing a career as well as the lack of concrete knowledge about the various careers available. The results of the analysis of the difference between the pretest and post-test in the experimental and control groups using the t-test showed a significant difference. The t-test result obtained is 2.75 with db = 74, where t count > t-table (2.75 > 1.995). Then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, while the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. This shows that there is a significant
difference in the post-test results between the experimental group and the control group, so it can be concluded that the jigsaw method is more effective in increasing career choice certainty compared to the lecture method.
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