the role of the School Committee, facilities and infrastructurAbstract
This research was conducted with the aim of describing the Implementation of the Functions of the School Committee in the Management of Facilities and Infrastructure at ABA Among Putro Kindergarten Kadirojo Palbapang Bantul. The aspects studied included the role of the school committee as an advisory agency, a supporting agency, a controlling agency, and a mediator. This study uses a qualitative approach with the subject of the School Committee research. Collecting data using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data display and conclusion
drawing. To test the validity of the data used a credibility test with technique and source triangulation. The results of this study are as follows. (1) The role of the School Committee as an advisory agency in the management of school facilities and infrastructure, namely the school committee has a role in providing suggestions and input starting from the preparation of the RKAS, the method of procuring facilities and infrastructure to the methods used in carrying out the elimination of facilities and infrastructure. (2) The role of the School Committee as a supporting agency in the management of school facilities and infrastructure, namely the school committee is directly involved in the committee for procuring school facilities and infrastructure, raising funds from parents, guardians of students and the community to meet the budgetary needs for procurement of facilities and school infrastructure, to selecting goods and infrastructure that are no longer suitable for use for deletion. (3) The role of the School Committee as a controlling agency in the management of school facilities and infrastructure is manifested in the participation of the school committee in the RKAS drafting meetings, checking directly the condition of existing facilities and infrastructure in schools and always being directly involved in the process of eliminating facilities and infrastructure. (4) The role of the School Committee as a mediator in the management of school facilities and infrastructure, namely the School Committee
becomes a channel for aspirations and ideas from the community during meetings to prepare plans for the procurement of facilities and infrastructure, becomes a channel for funds collected from parents and guardians of students for schools in the context of building facilities and school infrastructure and become a channel of information related to the latest condition of school facilities and infrastructure to parents and students and the community
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